Two New Rail Cranes Start Operation
Two new rail cranes started operation at the terminal of PSA Genova Pra’. The inauguration ceremony included the Regional President Giovanni Toti, the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci, the President of the Port System Authority for the Western Ligurian Sea Paolo Emilio Signorini and the President of the Genoa Confindustria (General Confederation of Italian Industry) Giovanni Mondini.
The two cranes were made by the Austrian company Kuenz and are the lightest machines on the market today. They have reduced consumption levels as well as high precision, and their ergonomic control pulpits improve the quality of life of the crane operator. Lastly, they have a remote diagnostic system that allows operators to manage and resolve alarms more quickly.
This 7-million-euro investment from the PSA Group at the Pra’ terminal proves that the group is willing to guarantee the terminal’s fleet of lifting machines is absolutely first-class, in order to continue improving its level of client services.
While waiting for the rail network infrastructure outside the terminal to be completed, with the goal of increasing container traffic by rail, the PSA group continues to invest significant resources in the iron loop, which is considered a central part of the company’s strategy.