[Video] The Sixth Annual Safety Day at PSA Voltri-Pra
The sixth annual Safety Day at PSA Voltri-Pra took place May 30th at the Cargo Theater. Some schools in the area, along with several representatives from the local authorities, participated in the event.
This year’s event commenced with a message from Dott. Gilberto Danesi, Managing Director of PSA Voltri-Pra. The speech was aimed at young people, who will be responsible for safety in the future.
Given a dreadful three work-related deaths per day on Italian territory, it is more necessary than ever to encourage a new culture of safety among workers. Norms and regulations alone are not enough. Safety must become a part of the cultural baggage of each individual.
This was the message that was brilliantly animated on stage by Silvia Cattoi and Juri Piroddi, the two stars of Il virus che ti salva la vita (The virus that saves your life), a theatrical performance loosely based on Il libro che ti salva la vita (The book that saves your life) by Sabatino De Sanctis and Davide Scotti.
During the show, the two actors brought to life a variety of characters who engaged the audience with stories of all matters related to safety, reminding everyone that human life is too precious to be put at risk by incorrect behavior, distractions, and triviality.