The E-Delivery Order for Import Container Pick-Up is Active

On November 9, 2018, PSA Voltri-Pra activated the e-delivery order for import containers.

With this technology, the paper delivery order becomes digital, allowing haulers to more quickly carry out their work at the Office of Goods and obtain direct access to the entrance gate. To take advantage of this service, all they need to do is use one of the PC Totems at the Office of Goods with their PIN code.

The e-delivery order, made available by the Port Community System of Genoa, is the result of the constant collaboration between the platform itself (run by UIRNET), the Terminal of PSA Voltri-Pra, the Maritime Company CMA CGM, and SPEDIPORTO.

This technology is now available to all maritime companies who wish to adopt it for their import containers.

È attivo lo svincolo telematico per il ritiro dei contenitori di import