PSA Italy for SIAD Group
The gas products manufactured by the SIAD Group for a wide range of sectors, from Bergamo are distributed world-wide. The company uses the PSA Italy terminals for the management of its imports and exports.
The Company
SIAD Group is a leading Italian chemical group with a long history: it has offices in Europe and the rest of the world and is active in the industrial gases, engineering, healthcare, GPL and Natural Gas sectors.
Founded in 1927 and active in 16 countries, SIAD S.p.A. boasts a century of innovation, production and distribution of the entire range of industrial, speciality, and medical gases and associated services.
SIAD’s gases and expertise are aimed at a very wide range of industrial sectors, with the intention of enhancing product quality, reducing costs and improving energy efficiency, in the complete respect of its own values and those of the environment.
The world of gas is fascinating and it is surprising to what extent it pervades everyday life. SIAD products are used in metal-working, by the food industry for conservation in protected atmospheres and the carbonation of drinks, in the chemical-pharmaceutical industry as a process gas, and in the inertization of reactors, in hospitals as gas and medicinal mixtures, in the micro-electronics industry for doping semiconductors and in many other sectors.
SIAD is making large investments in the fields of medical and specialty gases, because innovation is part of the Groups’s DNA. A new automated and robotic research laboratory will be created at the Osio Sopra (Bergamo) factory for the study and development of innovative gas mixtures for various uses.

The SIAD special gases are the products most suited to export. They are characterised by a high added value and require a certain know-how in order to be manufactured, purified and analysed, a fundamental prerequisite for their sale on markets that are not directly overseen by the group. These are chemical products classified as dangerous goods, supplied in high-pressure canisters, and containers, often regulated and however subject to rigid acceptance procedures.
From the port of Genoa they reach worldwide markets such as North Africa, The Middle East, the Far East, South Africa and beyond.
Special gases are extremely pure, up to grade 6 (99.9999% pure, that is with only one part impurity per million), mainly destined for laboratories and industry (oxygen, argon, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide, …). Another important branch of specialty gases is constituted by gas mixtures, manufactured according to rigid standards of safety, quality and precision.
The mixtures in question, which can reach a high number of components in very low concentrations in terms of ppb (parts per billion), are widely requested for the calibration of analytical laboratory instruments, for monitoring the environment and emissions. The SIAD laboratory has achieved the status of Accredited Calibration Laboratory, and the manufactured mixtures can be referenced to national and international samples of units in the International System of Units (IS).
The relationship between the company and the terminal is managed by a transport company specialising in this type of cargo. SIAD’s customers can avail themselves of the logistic support the company offers, or they can organise the collection of the container autonomously. 70% of the export is Free on board (the seller organises the shipping) and 30% Ex-Works (the importer organises the shipping).
In 2021, SIAD moved almost 200 containers between imports and exports, keeping up with 2020’s trend despite the outbreak of COVID-19, mainly thanks to the wide range of sectors covered by its own activities and elevated business know-how, which is reflected in the quality of its products and services, also recognised internationally by the consumers.

PSA Italy for SIAD
The vicinity to the port of Genova is one of the company’s strong points, and in PSA Italy it has a fundamental partner as both the raw materials imported and the products exported are primarily constituted by materials that fall within the category of “dangerous goods”.
PSA Italy, with its PSA Genova Pra’ and PSA SECH terminals is able to guarantee the obligatory safety standards for the handling and storage of the gases exported by SIAD Group, which must necessarily be contained in isotanks, pressurised and isolated cisterns, for maritime transport.
The PSA Italy terminals use a computerised management system for dangerous goods and the related safety procedure denominated Hackpack, which permits real time risk assessment for all handling and/or storage operations. The system can be worked by the safety operators either via desktop or using tablets thus ensuring complete control of each phase and every moment of the process.